JumbleTown FREE Stuff

Heres a cool Irish site for people looking for cheap stuff (FREE actually!). Its called www.JumbleTown.ie and if you have anything you would dearly like to get rid off or just don’t have the space for and you just want someone to come take it away then this is heaven. Theres lots of great deals too, you just have to make arrangments to go collect whatever it is you want and its yours for nothing!


Published by

Leon Quinn

Multimedia Design company in Leitrim, Ireland specializing in WordPress Website Design, Photoshop and Graphics. www.reverbstudios.ie

37 thoughts on “JumbleTown FREE Stuff”

  1. Now anyone from Ireland can take advantage of incentive rewards and get highly sought after goods completely free. Check out Freebies in Ireland.


  2. I have sometimes had problems logging into Jumbletown. However, I think I would need to be permanently logged in in order to have a chance to get something which I might need. I much prefer http://www.itsinmyway.com because there are not so many people logged in all the time and since the site was updated, it is much more user friendly. There is also a lot more forums and I believe it is an Irish run site which is paid for entirely from the adminstrator’s own pocket.


  3. I have sometimes had problems logging into Jumbletown. However, I think I would need to be permanently logged in in order to have a chance to get something which I might need. I much prefer http://www.itsinmyway.com because there are not so many people logged in all the time and since the site was updated, it is much more user friendly. There is also a lot more forums and I believe it is an Irish run site which is paid for entirely from the adminstrator’s own pocket.


  4. Well Triena, you must have an awful lot of broken stuff in your house considering the amount of tvs, computers, computer desks, videos, dvds, a shed, alloys, three piece suite etc etc that you are asking for on all the freebie sites. I’m not saying that you got all of these things but you sure try very hard. You even went so far as to change your ID on jumbletown because people were getting to know you. I can’t believe anybody would get banned from a site just for asking for help. Could it be as Steve said, you registered three times with the site. That would prove that you knew how to use the site in the first place so why don’t you be honest in your post. I have been a member of itsinmyway since the site started up a few years back and I have found the admin to be most responsive and helpful at all times. If you managed to get yourself banned then it just proves that admin are keeping a watchful eye on the site in order to protect its members. Well done admin and I hope that despite the nasty comments by Triena that your new site will do really well in the future. Jackie.


  5. Its a hard one to call. I see stuff on free sites all the time being picked up by dealers. As somone made the point on another forum, They try to “vet” the people that reply to the ads in order that whatever they are giving away goes to someone that needs it instead of ending up on a market stall. I moderate a lot of sites myswelf and after a while you get to know all the dealers and their user names. The temptation to send private messages to people giving stuff away when there is a dealer asking for their stuff is hard to resist. Having worked myself as a market seller, i have to ask myself the question, why dont these dealers say that they are dealers and give something for the stuff they receive instead of making out that they have a sick grandmother who would love a tv blah blah… And as for you Triana you have more computer desks and TVs in your house than you could shake a stick at! Happy hunting 🙂


  6. Triena, you were banned because after you requested items from me, you didn’t give me time to respond but instead reregistered with the site and asked me for the items using a new ID. I thought that was very greedy and selfish thing to do so I reported you to Admin. Then you registered for a third time using your first ID and I felt you were tormenting me in order to get your greedy hands on my items, particularly as I saw that you had requested similar items on other sites where you also changed your ID. Now you are bad mouthing itsinmyway.com because you were banned for a second time. You didn’t find the site unfriendly and unhelpful while you were requesting the items, it was only after you were banned for registering three times. You stated on another site that you are not computer literate but you are well able to find your way around the internet bad mouthing the site where you couldn’t get your greedy hands on everything. Believe me, by doing this, you are just advertising http://www.itsinmyway.com and you are going to become known all over the internet for your greed. Cop on!


    1. i am banned from jumbletown because i said a lady was greedy because she was looking for delph dishes and glasses for her hubbys 50th i asked did she want free food and a stripper too 1 so i was banned anyway theres only junk on that site i put better stuff into the skip and i told jumbletown this!


      1. Brilliant! It’s great that you managed to have your say before you got banned. I notice Admin on itsinmyway.com keeps a very low profile and rarely gets involved in the responses on the threads, which is what I like about the site. The greedy people don’t lastlong because members can name and shame them without the fear of being banned. Some moderators on various sites love to show their power by being trigger happy on the ban button. They are just bullies. Wish there was more people like you bee brady. Keep up the good work and don’t let anyboey take away your freedom of speech.


        1. thx rita what annoyed me is i see the same people looking for everything and admin are watching all the time ready to pounce if you dare to give an opinion.i intend to speak my mind which got me banned .im so sad think i will go and kill myself!


          1. Shucks, don’t do that…just because of a site that is infested with a shower of greedy beggers. Have you noticed it is the same people who are logged in all the time and quite a lot of those are missing on Sundays when the car boot sales and markets are in progress? Only a couple of weeks back I posted a lot of stuff on Jumbletown and it was the same person who jumped in and responded to all my posts. I was so sickened that I left my posts there and didn’t bother to respond to anybody. I eventually posted them on itsinmyway and a really nice person collected almost everything and even brought a big box of chocolates. There are still a lot of nice people out there.


  7. ive been using jumble town to replace broken goods i have in my house, its a very friendly, easy to use and as far as i can see, a very successfull site, ive recommended it to family and friends who now all use it.
    i did have a look at the itsinmyway.ie but found it unfriendly, unhelpfull, i didnt know how to use it straight off sooo they permanently banned me, i asked for help but instead of helping they banned me ! i cannot see them taking off it thats how it treats users in there 1st week.
    so ill be sticking with jumbletown, well done and good luck for the future…..from a very satisfied user


    1. Jumbletown is very successful because it gets grants towards the running costs. itsinmyway.com is run by a college student and is funded entirely from her own very limited personal funds. For somebody who didn’t know how to use the site, you managed to register under three different ids in the space of a couple of minutes. When you didn’t get what you wanted for free, you went on a bad mouthing spree all over the internet. Probably using one of the pcs and computer desks that you also got for free. Wise up Triena, or should that be Irish Molly or Molly1 or kayteena or some of your other names. I haven’t got them all to hand.


  8. Leon Have found Jumbletown to be an excellent site, loads of free stuff, a wanted section and also a section where you can submit queries. You dont have to register to browse


  9. You all need to look a little closer! The site is run as a forum so you have to join and then browse the categories for stuff your interested in getting, then simply email or ‘private message’ the seller.

    Its not the easiest site but everything about it including listing stuff is free so what do you expect!?


    1. All you have to do is register, which you have to do on most sites. Then post a reply on the forum. You don’t have to email or send a pm to the giver or seller. Take another look.


  10. Does not appear to be any way to access lists of unwanted or wanted items.
    This site does not appear to offer what it suggests!
    There is nothing to click on to, to see lists.


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