Invoicera Review

I was invited by Invoicera themselves to review their Online Invoicing Application following my review of Zoho Invoice. Here goes.

The signup link on the Invoicera site is pretty obvious and as with most of these online services, theres a free account option so I clicked signup. The form is simple enough with 2 pages asking for some basic personal info and then some location and currency questions followed by an activation email which arrived straight away.

The system has the usual functions you’d expect from Invoicing including the ability to add Clients, Estimates, Invoices, Products/Services, etc.. I tried adding a Client first but found it tricky. I had to choose an Invoicera address for them and the one I picked was taken so it returned me to an empty form and made me type all my new client info again which is not good! I was able to add an estimate for the newly created client straight away which you can’t do with Zoho so one up there. You can also setup recurring client profiles for repeating bills which is always handy.

I must compare Invoicera with Zoho Invoice as these are the only 2 online invoicing systems I’ve used and I continue to use and be very happy with Zoho. The pricing is similar with Invoicera charging per Client and Zoho charging per Estimate/per month but Zoho seems more advanced and it looks and perfoms a bit better. Invoicera seems to be the simpler, more basic of the two so perhaps it should be slightly cheaper?

Invoicera has a many more payment gateways/modes than Zoho but as far as I could see, lacks the ability to send customised automatic reminders to customers via email to pay their bills, something I use a lot these days! Theres is also a comprehensive reporting facility as is standard.

I might sum up by saying that I’d reccommend Invoicera for smaller businesses who want something simple to use and Zoho for slightly larger businesses looking for more functionality.

Published by

Leon Quinn

Multimedia Design company in Leitrim, Ireland specializing in WordPress Website Design, Photoshop and Graphics.

11 thoughts on “Invoicera Review”

  1. Hey Leon, probably it’s time you reviewed and compared these applications again. Invoicera has come a long way. Tried it yet?


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  3. Invoicera is far superior than Zoho invoicing. Probably the reviewer should have done a more detailed review at least in terms of the features and UI. Nevertheless, Invoicera and Freshbooks are the only two online invoicing apps that are way ahead of the rest and Zoho still needs to do the catching up.


  4. You seem to have not reviewed the latest Invoicera release – I have used (almost) everything out there right from Freshbooks to Zoho but Invoicera now beats the hell out of these in terms of feature, great support and active development.


  5. Dear Leon,

    Thanks for the review. It is true that Zoho Invoice offers a low cost solution with many features. We have taken note of your need for more payment gateways and the ability to create estimate straight away after customer creation. Soon we will adding support to these features.

    Happy Invoicing!


  6. Have you tried freshbooks?! I’m all about using whats cheapest at the moment. Must check out which costs the least.


    1. I actually started off with Freshbooks, can’t remember why I stopped. I think it was too dear and just looking at the pricing now, it does seem the dearest of the 3. I remember it had a cool Time tracking thing but I think I also found it kinda hard to use. Things might have changed.


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